Pumpkin Lager is brewed with pumpkins in the mash, spices added during the boil, and lightly hopped. The rich specialty grains and lager fermentation combine to produce the taste and the texture of pumpkin pie.
The ABV is 6.0 and the IBU rating is ??Style -Pumpkin Lager
Glass to use- Pint Glass or Mug
Delivery 12oz Bottle
Not recommended for extended cellaring.
The Pour - Pours a nice clear amber color with a big white head. No lacing.
Aroma - Intense spices up front including nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves
Taste - Spicy, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves and malty flavor.
Mouth Feel - Well carbonation, just right.
Drinkable - This is an excellent pumpkin beer. I wasn't to sure about it being a lager it is better than most pumpkin ales that I have had.
This beer pairs well with most food especially Thanksgiving dinner.
This beer gets a Duper rating of A.
BeerAdvocate Rating =B-
Ratebeer Rating =54